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KCSL: Child care volunteers needed – April 15
April 12, 2013
Alamance Citizens for Education (ACE) is hosting an upcoming event and need two or three students who would be interested in volunteering to provide child care on Monday, April 15 from 6:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. at Graham Presbyterian Church in Graham, N.C.
"Fishing for Cans" canned food drive – April 8-11
April 7, 2013
Loaves & Fishes and EV! are sponsoring a week, with a canned food drive and profit share, to raise money and collect food for the Burlington community.
Elon joins Universities Fighting World Hunger
March 15, 2013
Hundreds of colleges and universities are "making the eradication of hunger a core value of their institutions."
More 75 EV! leadership positions open – apply now
March 11, 2013
Elon dedicates downtown Burlington building
March 8, 2013
A new office and gathering space across the street from May Memorial Library will help the university continue building community programs.