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Elon tutoring program ends with book-buying bonanza
December 10, 2009
With their Elon University tutors in tow, 22 children made beelines Wednesday evening for such titles as “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” and “Just Grace and the Snack Attack,” books at a local retailer that would, hopefully, foster a deeper love of the written word while rewarding their progress in a reading program organized by an upper level education course.
Elon junior honored by North Carolina Campus Compact
December 3, 2009
Elon University junior Kayla Hicken received a North Carolina Campus Compact Community Impact Student Award last month during the Compact’s student conference at Western Carolina University.
Elon to launch new BioBus loop
December 1, 2009
A new BioBus route to help students volunteer at local agencies will begin operations at the start of the spring semester, with trips leaving campus every hour Monday through Thursday from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. to stops in Burlington near community partners that work with the Kernodle Center for Service Learning.
Helping the homeless: Elon class to build beds for local shelter
November 18, 2009
A philosophy class at Elon University is teaming up with Allied Churches of Alamance County the weekend before Thanksgiving to build replacement bunk beds for the nonprofit on North Fisher Street in Burlington.
EV! Sleep-Out – Nov. 20
November 13, 2009
Kernodle Center hosts Fall Campus-Community Networking lunch
November 12, 2009
Thirty-five faculty and community agencies participated Nov. 5 in The Kernodle Center for Service Learning’s first Fall Campus-Community Networking lunch on campus.
Hunger Banquet
November 3, 2009
KCSL: Kopper Top Life Learning Center
October 15, 2009