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Habitat for Humanity dedicates 25th house in Alamance County
May 10, 2016
Elon’s chapter of Habitat for Humanity celebrated a milestone on May 8th when it dedicated the 25th house built for a family in Alamance County.
Elon Campus Kitchen partners with local community
May 5, 2016
Healthy eating and cooking are the focus of work with Healthy Alamance and the Career and Technical Education Center.
KCSL: Burlington Downtown Farmers Market
April 28, 2016
Volunteers are needed to help with the Burlington Farmers Market on Saturday April 30th.
KCSL: ABSS virtual school online academic coaches
April 26, 2016
ABSS Virtual School is seeking volunteers to serve as online academic coaches throughout the summer, fall and spring semesters.
2016 Special Olympics hosted by Elon's Kernodle Center
April 25, 2016
The annual event held on April 15, 2016, involved more than 350 athletes and 100 Elon volunteers.
Elon senior awarded Fulbright to teach English in Argentina
April 24, 2016
Erin Luther ‘16, an international studies and Spanish double major from Bristol, Tennessee, travels to South America next spring as part of a federal program that builds good will between the United States and people of other nations.
KCSL: EM Yoder Elementary Field Day – April 29
April 15, 2016
Volunteers are needed to assist with EM Yoder Elementary's Spring Field Day hosted on April.
KCSL: Elon Elementary Spring Fling
April 11, 2016
Elon Elementary is seeking volunteers to help with their Spring Fling on May 6.
First-year student chosen as Newman Civic Fellow
April 5, 2016
The National Campus Compact named freshman class president Kenneth Brown as one of 218 Newman Civic Fellows across the nation.
KCSL: Volunteers Needed for NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet
April 4, 2016