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Elon Votes! makes civic engagement its mission

March 28, 2016

An Elon University student organization is helping to register people to vote, and its leaders are already planning a variety of fall events around the 2016 election.

Elon students awarded State Department scholarships

March 16, 2016

Elon University senior Alexandra “Allie” Barteldt and junior Benjamin Lutz have each received a Critical Language Scholarship from the federal government to study Hindi in Asia, and Arabic in Africa, respectively.

KCSL: science outreach activites

March 10, 2016

Volunteers are needed to help Elon science psrofessors with presenting science outreach activites for elementary and middle school students. 

Service Learning Community celebrates 21st anniversary

March 4, 2016

A special Feb. 27 dinner offered Elon University students, alumni and staff members an opportunity to share stories from a residential living-learning community that introduces freshmen to campus and regional service opportunities.