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Elon Law alumni honored for service to legal profession & alma mater
April 15, 2016
Four accomplished Elon University School of Law graduates – David L. Morrow II '07 L’10, Jennifer L. Reutter L’10, Alvaro De La Calle L’12 and Elizabeth “Beth” Klein L’12 – were recognized this month for their contributions to the legal profession and support of their alma mater.
Elon Law to host 'Ask a Lawyer' Day – April 23
April 14, 2016
The Pro Bono Board at Elon Law is giving members of the Greensboro and surrounding communities an opportunity to ask legal questions of local attorneys at no cost.
Elon Law named among 'best schools for practical training'
April 12, 2016
The spring 2016 edition of preLaw magazine cites Elon University School of Law in its annual list of schools that "go above and beyond in preparing law students for the real world."
Tom Molony presents on 'Fulfilling the Promise of Roe'
April 11, 2016
The Elon Law associate professor visited St. Thomas University School of Law in Florida to share legislative suggestions for facilitating medical consultations by women who might be considering an abortion.
Protecting the right to vote
April 10, 2016
Jaclyn Maffetore, an Elon Law student committed to advancing civil liberties, found herself featured by The Nation this spring after assisting an elderly woman who wanted to cast a ballot in North Carolina’s presidential primaries.
Professionalism conference helps inform Elon Law students
April 9, 2016
Chief Judge Linda McGee and Professor Olympia Duhart of Nova Southeastern University were among the legal voices who spoke at Elon University School of Law in April for a symposium on professionalism and intercultural engagement.
David Levine delivers talk on 'confidentiality creep' at Yale
April 6, 2016
The Elon Law associate professor shared insights at the Information Society Project's 2016 spring conference "Unlocking the Black Box: The Promise and Limits of Algorithmic Accountability in the Professions."
Antonette Barilla authors article on cultural diplomacy
April 6, 2016
Elon Law's director of academic and bar support explores the idea of attorneys as "cultural translators and social mediators" in a recent edition of the American Bar Association's International Law News.
Michael Rich to serve as guest writer on Prawfsblawg
April 6, 2016
Elon University's Maurice Jennings Emerging Scholar will contribute insights and analyses to a legal blog that features a "variety of topics related to law and life."
Elon Law hosts largest ever Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competition
April 5, 2016
Forty teams representing 24 law schools visited Elon University School of Law for an April event that challenged students to deftly argue questions of First Amendment rights versus the role of government in protecting public health and safety.