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Elon Law professor analyzes new “Ag-Gag” law

February 4, 2016

Elon Law Professor Enrique Armijo explained on WFDD radio why North Carolina’s new Property Protection Act, allowing companies to sue whistleblowers who conduct undercover investigations, is likely to be struck down in federal court. 

Elon Law announces new Advocacy Fellows Program

January 28, 2016

Elon Law's new Advocacy Fellows Program provides scholarships and full-time, stipend-supported law practice experiences for highly qualified applicants who seek to become exceptional trial and appellate advocates. 

Elevating entrepreneurs at Elon Law

January 26, 2016

Warren Berry is looking to wean society off fossil fuels and combat climate change. And in doing so, he enlisted the help of the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Clinic at Elon Law.

Elon Law student earns national spotlight for leadership

January 21, 2016

Elon Law student Gerard Truesdale is featured in the American Bar Association’s Student Lawyer magazine for creating and operating a nonprofit that provides high school students with life skills and pathways to higher education. 

Elon Law students take on real-world problem solving

January 18, 2016

Elon Law’s second-year law students recently helped three nonprofit organizations with legal matters involving urban development, alternative transportation and organizational management.