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Mo Green at Elon Law: Education is the civil rights issue of our time

January 14, 2016

Delivering the keynote address at Elon Law’s eighth annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. forum, Guilford County Schools Superintendent Maurice “Mo” Green urged greater engagement by communities and future lawyers to strengthen educational systems and expressed excitement about Elon Law’s role in Guilford County’s Say Yes to Education partnership.

A voice for children in the high courts

January 13, 2016

Elon Law’s newest clinic empowers law students to protect and promote the best interests of abused and neglected children while gaining valuable advocacy skills at the appellate level of the North Carolina court system. 

Elon Law announces new law practice incubator

January 12, 2016

Elon University School of Law has created the Elon Law Legal Incubator to support Elon Law graduates who wish to develop solo law practices and to create opportunities for lawyers to provide reduced-cost legal services for low-income residents of Guilford County. 

Elon Law scholar on machines as crime fighters

January 11, 2016

Elon Law Professor Michael Rich’s article “Machines as Crime Fighters—Are You Ready?” in the winter 2016 edition of the American Bar Association’s Criminal Justice magazine, examines legal and practical challenges to the automated prediction of criminals. 

Michael Rich featured for best new legal scholarship

January 7, 2016

Elon Law Professor Michael Rich is featured in a journal devoted to identifying "the best new scholarship relevant to the law" for his forthcoming University of Pennsylvania Law Review article on law enforcement's use of "big data."

Elon Law alumnus tapped to lead pilot program at state supreme court

December 30, 2015

Elon Law alumnus Grant Buckner L’13 is the Supreme Court of North Carolina’s first Director of the Office of Central Staff, a new office created by the Administrative Office of the Courts to increase the efficiency of the Supreme Court in adjudicating cases.

Hannah Vaughan authors article on lawyers’ obligation to deaf clients

December 18, 2015

Elon Law Professor Hannah Vaughan, director of the Law School’s Elder Law Clinic, authored “Falling On Deaf Ears: Lawyers’ Obligation to Provide Sign Language Interpreters for Deaf Clients.” Vaughan’s article appears in the December issue of Gray Matters, a publication of the North Carolina Bar Association’s Elder and Special Needs Law Section.