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Elon Law reception features The Honorable Catherine C. Eagles

February 24, 2011

On February 10, law school dean George Johnson welcomed The Honorable Catherine C. Eagles, U.S. District Court Judge for the Middle District of North Carolina, as a special guest at the law school's first monthly Reception with the Legal Community of the spring semester.

Elon’s Innocence Project presents research and hosts Dwayne Dail, exonerated after 18 years

February 22, 2011

On November 17, Elon Law students Daniel Harris, Leah Shellberg, Ashley Smith, Ben Synder, and Melissa Westmoreland presented research into potential wrongful convictions of individuals in North Carolina, before Christine Mumma, Executive Director of the N.C. Center on Actual Innocence. Elon's chapter of the Innocence Project also met Dwayne Allen Dail, exonerated after 18 years in prison for a rape he did not commit.

Elon Law students awarded corporate counsel scholarships

February 22, 2011

Pamela Lawrence, '12, and Michael Sprague, '11, are among a select group of North Carolina law students chosen by the Research Triangle Area Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel to receive the chapter's first-annual scholarship awards. Criteria for the scholarships include academic performance and an interest in the in-house practice of law.