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Jim Exum selected to Co-Chair Judicial Independence Committee

January 25, 2011

Former Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court and Elon Law Distinguished Jurist-in-Residence James G. Exum, Jr. has been selected to co-chair the North Carolina Bar Association's Judicial Independence Committee. The committee is charged with reviewing the state's system for selecting judges and advising on reforms to improve the system.

Four leaders in the law join Elon’s Law School Advisory Board

January 25, 2011

Elon University is pleased to announce the appointment of four new members of the university's Law School Advisory Board, each of whom has been recognized for remarkable contributions to the legal profession and to society: Carole W. Bruce, W. Randy Eaddy, Bassam N. Ibrahim, and Mark London.

Scott Turow places lawyers at the center of America’s struggle to define values

January 25, 2011

Delivering Elon Law's fall 2010 Bryan Leadership Lecture on October 13, acclaimed writer and attorney Scott Turow presented an often hard-hitting analysis of the causes for historically low levels of trust in lawyers in the United States, acknowledging evidence of corruption and greed in the profession, while refuting broad negative stereotypes about attorneys and emphasizing the important role that lawyers play in determining national questions of value through the country's legal system.

Images from Elon Law Alumni Homecoming

January 25, 2011

Elon Law alumni gathered on October 22 and 23 for Homecoming festivities that included a party at the Greensboro Country Club and opportunities to participate in tailgating and football at Elon University. A photo gallery of images from the Elon Law Homecoming party are included with this article.

Stephen Wermiel, official biographer of Justice Brennan, speaks at Elon Law

January 25, 2011

On October 28, Stephen Wermiel, coauthor of Justice Brennan: Liberal Champion, spoke with Elon Law students and faculty about his new book, which gives unprecedented access into the life of William J. Brennan, Jr., considered by many to be the most influential Supreme Court justice of the twentieth century. Click on the E-Cast link to the right of this article to listen to Wermeil's lecture on audio.

2010 Intramural Moot Court champions announced

January 25, 2011

At the Third Annual Elon Law Intramural Moot Court Competition, held October 26 through November 1, 21 law students earned an invitation to join the law school's Moot Court Board. Scott Morgan and Melissa Westmoreland were the competition champions.