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NPR’s Nina Totenberg says federal courts could threaten Obama legacy

March 23, 2010

National Public Radio's legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg, delivering Elon Law's spring 2010 Bryan Leadership Lecture, said the Supreme Court had become more divided and more activist than at any time in recent memory, and that major policy objectives of the Obama administration could be dismantled in years ahead by federal courts largely populated by Republican era appointees.

Nina Totenberg to deliver Bryan Leadership Lecture

March 17, 2010

Nina Totenberg, National Public Radio's award-winning legal affairs correspondent, will deliver the Elon University School of Law spring 2010 Joseph M. Bryan Distinguished Leadership Lecture on Tuesday evening, March 16.

Elon Law’s tax assistance clinic begins third year of service

March 9, 2010

Twenty students from Elon University School of Law began offering free tax preparation assistance to low and moderate-income residents in the region on March 6. The program, which assisted clients in obtaining more than $45,000 in tax refunds and credits last year, will continue through April 15.

Elon Law charter class job placement rate nearly 90 percent

March 5, 2010

Nearly 90 percent of the members of Elon University School of Law's charter class were employed nine months after their May 2009 graduation. Based on criteria established by the National Association of Law Placement (NALP), Elon Law reported an 89.7 percent job placement rate for 2009 graduates as of February 15, the date set by NALP for all participating law schools to report employment data.

Elon Law debate on judicial selection featured in NC State Bar Journal

March 3, 2010

Articles by three Elon Law faculty members, exploring the question of whether judges in North Carolina should be elected or appointed, are featured in the Spring 2010 edition of The North Carolina State Bar Journal, along with a review of a public debate on the subject held at the law school in October.