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Karol Sparks authors 2010 edition of Insurance Activities of Banks

December 16, 2009

Elon Law's Distinguished Practitioner in Residence, Karol K. Sparks, has completed the 2010 edition of the book Insurance Activities of Banks, offered each year with updates and supplements by Aspen Publishers since Sparks originally authored the book in 1998.

Elon Law students win pro bono award

November 19, 2009

Forty-three students from Elon University School of Law were recognized Nov. 19 with the Greensboro Bar Association's annual pro bono award for providing free tax return preparation assistance to elderly and low-income residents of Greensboro.

John Englar proposes overhaul of executive pay in Business Journal column

November 16, 2009

In a November 13 article in The Triad Business Journal, Elon Law Distinguished Practioner in Residence John Englar proposes changes to traditional in executive pay structures in order to reward the successful execution of long-term strategies for corporations while minimizing compensation for short term gains.

David Gergen urges greater professionalism in legal sector at Elon Law forum

November 13, 2009

Speaking with Elon Law students on November 11, David Gergen, adviser to four United States presidents, Director of the Center for Public Leadership and Professor of Public Service at the Harvard Kennedy School, and chair of the Law School Advisory Board at Elon, said that rising public confidence in lawyers would depend on meeting higher standards within the profession.

Elon Law students lead care package drive for U.S. soldiers overseas

November 13, 2009

Second year Elon Law students Carla Rogers and David Stephens spearheaded a multi-week campaign this fall to collect goods for military servicemen and women overseas. The campaign drew support from regional corporations, local high schools and middle schools, and from Elon University's MBA program.