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Elon Law to host Open House for prospective students – March 14
March 6, 2009
Elon University School of Law will host an Admissions Open House from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, Saturday, March 14 at the H. Michael Weaver building, home of the law school in downtown Greensboro, N.C., with a continental breakfast available at 9:30 a.m.
James G. Exum Jr. honored by North Carolina Bar Association
March 5, 2009
Former North Carolina Supreme Court Justice and Elon University School of Law distinguished jurist in residence, James G. Exum Jr., has been honored with the 2009 John McNeil Smith Jr. Constitutional Rights and Responsibilities Section Award by the North Carolina Bar Association.
Howard Katz offers municipal management analysis for News 14 Carolina
March 4, 2009
Howard Katz, a professor at Elon University School of Law, provided analysis for News 14 Carolina on March 4, focused on the municpal management challenges that arise during staff and leadership transitions.
Women’s Law Association to host first annual 5K Run/Walk for Charity – March 14
March 4, 2009
The Women’s Law Association (WLA) at Elon University School of Law will host its first annual Run/Walk for Charity on March 14, starting at 9:00 a.m. at Northeast Park in Gibsonville, North Carolina.
Elon Law Professor Margaret Kantlehner Publishes Supreme Court Case Preview
February 26, 2009
In the American Bar Association's February 23 edition of its Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases, Elon University School of Law Associate Professor Margaret Kantlehner explores the impact of a Congressional Resolution of apology on the authority of the state of Hawaii to sell, exchange, or transfer state land.
Steve Friedland speaks with News 14 Carolina about Eve Carson murder case
February 25, 2009
Steven Friedland, a senior scholar and professor at the Elon University School of Law, offered statewide cable news channel News 14 Carolina legal analysis of a federal case against one of two people charged in the March 2008 murder of UNC student body president Eve Carson.
Elon Mock Trial advances to championship series in March
February 23, 2009
Elon Mock Trial placed 5th out of 24 teams at the American Mock Trial Association’s 2009 Regional Tournament from Feb. 6-7 in Chapel Hill, N.C., qualifying the undergraduate team for competition at Furman University next month in the opening round of a national contest.
Afternoon Tea with Judge Ben F. Tennille – April 2
February 18, 2009
On Thursday, April 2, Elon University School of Law will host an afternoon tea reception, welcoming Judge Ben. F. Tennille, Chief Judge of the Business Court of North Carolina.
Afternoon Tea with Judge L. Todd Burke – March 5
February 18, 2009
On Thursday, March 5, from 4 to 5 p.m., Elon University School of Law will host an afternoon tea reception, welcoming Judge L. Todd Burke, Superior Court Judge, 21st Judicial District.
Senator Burr calls on Elon Law students to provide civic leadership
February 17, 2009
U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) told students at Elon University School of Law that the economic, educational and civic health of their respective communities depends on the contributions they are willing to make as citizens and future lawyers to improve the lives of others. Burr visited the law school Feb. 16 for sessions with the students and friends of Elon Law.