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New video series explores Elon Law’s leadership program
January 26, 2011
A five-part video series exploring Elon University School of Law’s leadership program has been published on the law school's website. The series features Elon Law faculty, students, alumni, and founders of the law school describing the value of the leadership program and its substance across three years of law study.
Elon Law welcomes seven new Leadership Fellows from the Class of 2013
January 26, 2011
Seven members of the Class of 2013 have been selected as Leadership Fellows at Elon University School of Law. They are: Pamela Boeka, Sherea D. Burnett, Janison Anne Dillon, Shoshana Fried, Jennifer Imediegwu, Andrew Richard Jones, and Jason Colin Senges.
Elon Law hosts first Reception with the Legal Community for 2010-2011
January 26, 2011
On September 9, for a fifth consecutive year, Elon Law continued its tradition of monthly receptions with the legal community, providing law students with a regular opportunity to interact with judges and lawyers in the region.
Elon Law advisory board member James B. Hunt, Jr. to receive national award
January 26, 2011
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation has announced that it will award four-term North Carolina governor and Elon Law advisory board member James B. Hunt, Jr. with the foundation's Frank E. Taplin, Jr. Public Intellectual Award.
Elon Law invites proposals from non-profit organizations to receive legal insights and analysis from law students
January 26, 2011
Non-profit organizations and government entities are invited to submit proposals about a legal problem they are facing, for consideration as a matter to be studied in-depth by Elon Law students. If selected, the legal issue will be researched and analyzed by second-year law students, under the supervision of law faculty. Students will also make presentations before each organization participating, recommending a range of possible solutions to each entity's respective legal problem.
Four leaders in the law join Elon’s Law School Advisory Board
January 25, 2011
Elon University is pleased to announce the appointment of four new members of the university's Law School Advisory Board, each of whom has been recognized for remarkable contributions to the legal profession and to society: Carole W. Bruce, W. Randy Eaddy, Bassam N. Ibrahim, and Mark London.
Scott Turow places lawyers at the center of America’s struggle to define values
January 25, 2011
Delivering Elon Law's fall 2010 Bryan Leadership Lecture on October 13, acclaimed writer and attorney Scott Turow presented an often hard-hitting analysis of the causes for historically low levels of trust in lawyers in the United States, acknowledging evidence of corruption and greed in the profession, while refuting broad negative stereotypes about attorneys and emphasizing the important role that lawyers play in determining national questions of value through the country's legal system.
Elon Law advisory board members recognized for leadership in the law
January 25, 2011
W. Randy Eaddy, James G. Exum, Jr., James E. Holshouser, and James B. Hunt, all members of the Elon Law School Advisory Board, have been recognized recently through honors and appointments for their leadership in law and public service.
Elon Law recognizes contributions in the law of Justice Harry C. Martin
January 25, 2011
At Elon Law's final Reception with the Legal Community of the fall 2010 semester, Distinguished Jurist in Residence James G. Exum, Jr. spoke on behalf of the law school to recognize the extraordinary achievements and significant contributions in the law of The Honorable Harry C. Martin, former Associate Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court and the first Chief Justice of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation.
Elon Law students present donations to nonprofit organizations in the Triad
January 25, 2011
Through Elon Law's Lawyering, Leadership, and Professionalism course, four student groups presented donations to nonprofit organizations in the region at an evening reception with the legal community on November 11. The funds derived from monetary prizes the students received from The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) in recognition of outstanding presentations and papers on the topic of lawyer leadership.