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Hispanic film series on global migrations ended with showing of ‘Guie’Dani’s Navel,’ conversation with director Xavi Sala
November 22, 2021
The fifth Hispanic film series, “Global Migrations through the Lens of International Politics and Human Rights,” ended Nov. 18 with the screening of the final movie, "Guie’Dani’s Navel" and were joined virtually by the film's director, Xavi Sala.
TCU scholar Joseph Darda addresses antiracist reading practices in talk hosted by Department of English
October 13, 2021
Darda's talk with the Department of English was based on his upcoming book “The Strange Career of Racial Liberalism.”
Thrive: ‘The Faculty Factor’
August 16, 2021
Assistant Professor of English Jennifer Eidum is working on a book on how Elon has approached using residential learning communities as a tool to help students thrive.
Residence Life to host Winter Term trivia Jan. 20
January 13, 2021
Students can compete for prizes while answering questions about the Winter Term theme and other topics.
Oaks Neighborhood to host virtual Fake News Game Show Oct. 20
October 14, 2020
Elon students will have the opportunity to compete for prizes by identifying what’s real and what’s not.
The Oaks tradition of neighborhood dinners
October 9, 2020
The Oaks Neighborhood has had a long standing tradition of hosting neighborhood dinners.
Oaks Neighborhood relies on traditions to continue building community
October 9, 2020
The Oaks Neighborhood will remain Ready and Resilient while still building a sense of community.
Elon hosts Black History Month Dinner
February 14, 2020
North Carolina black and African-American civic and political leaders shared their experiences with students.
Elon to host Black History Month Dinner on Feb. 4
February 3, 2020
Black and Africans-American civic leaders will join students, faculty and staff in McKinnon Hall to talk about their experiences in public life.
Residential neighborhoods team up to host winter term trivia
January 15, 2020
Groups of students competed in a Winter Term-themed trivia game for prizes.