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Steve DeLoach presents new research in Aachen, Germany

May 4, 2011

Steve DeLoach, a professor of economics, presented results from his newest research project at RWTH Aachen University on May 3, 2011. The paper, "Discouraging Workers: Estimating Impacts of Macroeconomic Shocks on Search Intensity of Unemployed," is co-authored by assistant professor Mark Kurt.

CELEBRATE! profile: Stephanie Franz ’11

April 29, 2011

Research shows how the growth of a nation’s economy harms its air quality, at least until citizens live comfortably enough to demand change. Does the same hold true for water pollution? Elon University senior Stephanie Franz examined that question, and her work is the last to be featured in a series of E-net profiles on undergraduate research presented during CELEBRATE! 2011.

Jim Barbour publishes paper on medieval stone carver work practices

April 14, 2011

Associate Professor of Economics Jim Barbour’s paper "Schneider’s ‘Singede Steine’: La lectura musical de la iconografía en el claustro de Sant Cugat del Vallés," has been published in Círculo Románico, the journal of the Spanish Centro de Estudios del Romantico, Madrid.

John Burbridge, Tina Das, and Casey DiRienzo publish book chapter

April 11, 2011

John Burbridge, Tina Das, and Casey DiRienzo have published the book chapter "The Role of Trust in the Global Acceptance of E-Government" in the reference book Information Communication Technologies and the Virtual Public Sphere: Impacts of Network Structures on Civil Societies.