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Business ethics speaker shares advice on leadership

February 23, 2011

The chairman of USAA, one of the nation’s leading insurance and financial services companies, has advice for today’s business students: behave yourself, because those who one day work for you will follow your lead. Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. John Moellering offered that wisdom and more on Tuesday for the 2011 “Ethics in Business” Speaker Series presented by the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business.

Matt Valle presents research at Air Force Academy

February 23, 2011

Matthew Valle, a professor of management and currently the 2010-2011 Distinguished Visiting Professor of Management at the United States Air Force Academy, recently presented the results of his most recent research in a faculty consortium at the Air Force Academy.

Chairman of USAA to deliver business ethics lecture – Feb. 22

February 22, 2011

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. John Moellering visits Elon University on Feb. 22 as part of the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business “Ethics in Business” speaker series. The chairman of USAA, one of the nation’s leading insurance and financial services company, will describe ethical dilemmas he faced in the business world and how he addressed them.

Blog follows law and MBA students’ journey in Asia

February 22, 2011

Elon law and MBA students participating in a collaborative Winter Term course on international business chronicled their trip to Vietnam and Singapore through a blog accessible through the E-Cast link to the right of this article.

Feb. 24– Bill Ferrell, CEO, Ferrell Capital Management

February 22, 2011

Bill Ferrell, founder, president and chief investment officer of Ferrell Capital Management, will be leading a presentation, "Building Your Life Portfolio," this Thursday, February 24, 4:15 pm in KOBC 145. The program is part of the Love School of Business' Executive in Residence Series, and is open to all students. Mr. Ferrell will be joined by Caitlyn Levys '08, a research analyst with the firm.

February 17–Wall Street Careers with Peter Herbert, Goldman Sachs

February 11, 2011

Peter Herbert, Managing Director at Goldman Sachs, will talk about Wall Street careers during a presentation on Thursday, February 17, 2:30 to 3:30 pm, LaRose Digital Theatre. His presentation is open to all students, and is part of Professional Discovery Week at Elon.