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Manring co-authors article in Journal of Cleaner Production

October 28, 2008

Susan Manring, an associate professor of management, has co-authored an article with Sam Moore in the Journal of Cleaner Production titled "Strategy development in small and medium sized enterprises for sustainability and increased value creation."

Art Cassill named Wesley R. Elingburg Professor in accounting

October 27, 2008

Art Cassill, a professor of accounting, has been named Elon University's first Wesley R. Elingburg Professor. Cassill was recognized during Fall Convocation on Oct. 23, where Elon trustee Wes Elingburg and his wife, Cathy, were in attendance for the presentation. It was their generous gift to the university that made possible the endowed professorship.

David Noer publishes column in (Greensboro, N.C.) News and Record

October 27, 2008

David Noer, the Frank S. Holt Jr. Professor of Business Leadership at Elon, had a column published Oct. 26, 2008, in the (Greensboro, N.C.) News & Record. The column, "How to resist spin masters," advocates the need for all responsible citizens to resist the spin put on events by the media and develop the capacity for reflection and healthy skepticism.

Panelists share thoughts on financial market woes

October 16, 2008

The financial crisis that placed Wall Street on a daily roller coaster has several causes, and on Oct. 15, four economic panelists offered their thoughts about recent market turmoil to a room of students, faculty and staff from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business.