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Lumen Scholar recognized for research at national conference 

April 9, 2015

Elon University senior Taylor Davis traveled to Boston in March 2015 to present her research at a national biochemistry conference. The Honors Fellow received a student travel award and was recognized in the undergraduate poster competition.

Students and faculty participate in physics conference

March 30, 2015

Elon Lumen Scholar Helen Meskhidze '16 and Associate Professor Anthony Crider each presented at a regional meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers at Wake Forest University from March 27-28.

Lumen Scholar sheds light on impacts of microfinance

March 29, 2015

Research by Elon University senior Kate Smith-Lin finds that citizens of Indonesia don’t necessarily save more money after a bank opens in rural areas, but they do change the way they save, making it easier to protect their families in times of crisis.

Lumen Scholar's work gives voice to African immigrants

February 23, 2015

Elon University’s top prize for undergraduate research and creative achievement assisted senior Omolayo Ojo in her efforts to share why people from Senegal move to the United States, and what effect those moves have on families left behind.

Elon senior uses Lumen Prize to write first novel

February 4, 2015

Brianna Duff used the university's top award for undergraduate research and creative achievement to combine her love of physics and writing into a story driven by scientific principles.

Lumen Scholars publish a biochemistry paper

September 2, 2014

Senior biochemistry majors and Lumen Scholars Taylor Davis and Tom Lampl had a manuscript about their research accepted for publication in the Journal of Visual Experimentation.