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Lumen Scholar studies the narratives of welfare

May 16, 2014

Elon University senior Greg Honan researched the stories two former presidents told of public assistance recipients and found a direct influence on the way local politicians talk about social services.

Lumen Scholar traces the history of mental illness guide

April 13, 2014

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is the nation’s most recognized resource for classifying conditions like depression and anxiety, but through five editions and half a century, its self-professed raison d'être continues to evolve. Elon University senior Kelsey O’Connell set out to learn “why,” and more importantly, she wanted to pinpoint “how.”

Elon junior a finalist for Truman Scholarship

March 6, 2014

Omolayo Ojo is competing for a highly competitive national fellowship awarded each year to those with goals of working in public service or government. Winners will be announced in April.

Chemistry professors, Lumen Prize alumni co-author journal article

February 23, 2014

Victoria Del Gaizo Moore, assistant professor of chemistry, and Karl Sienerth, professor of chemistry, along with Mary Bedard '12 (Biochemistry) and Kelly Giffear '12 (Biochemistry) had a research article accepted to the journal Biophysical Chemistry.