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Elon students help launch #2020TurnYourTassel campaign for high school seniors
April 16, 2020
Elon entrepreneurship students have worked with community partner Tassel to Tassel to give high school seniors the full graduation experience at home during this period of social distancing.
Sigma Iota Epsilon grows with induction of new members
April 16, 2020
Elon’s chapter of the honorary and professional management society welcomed 47 new members.
Faith Carroll ’20, Jillian Duffy ’20 achieve HR certification
April 14, 2020
The two Martha and Spencer Love School of Business students earned their Society for Human Resource Management Certified Professional designations.
Society for Human Resource Management students create, present evidence-based strategy for case competition
April 14, 2020
Elon’s team of Faith Carroll ’20, Jillian Duffy ’20, Alison Flaherty ’20 and Julia Mercurio ’20 applied their human resource management knowledge and skills during the event hosted by Anderson University.
Remote Teaching: Home is where the office is
April 10, 2020
Elon faculty share how they have transformed their homes into creative and meaningful work spaces.
Alumni in Action: Ryan Vet ’13, Michael Thomas ’20 to highlight small businesses with new TV series
April 8, 2020
In an effort to put small businesses in the spotlight during the COVID-19 outbreak, the team's pilot episode of Sip’d will air on April 9 and focus on local craft beverage artisans in Durham, North Carolina.
Retail industry leader Stephen Bebis discusses the key to building high performance teams
April 6, 2020
The CEO coach reflected on the exciting retail industry and shared his management expertise with Martha and Spencer Love School of Business seniors.
Students learn about data science in the time of COVID-19
April 6, 2020
During Gordon Professor Haya Ajjan’s class on data mining, SAS data science leaders shared how analytics can be used to extract insights into coronavirus-related issues.
Local entrepreneurs turn to technology, collaboration in response to COVID-19 outbreak
April 2, 2020
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship Elena Kennedy discusses ways that local business owners are adapting to changes in the economy brought about by the COVID-19 outbreak response.
Moorman: Leadership during COVID-19 outbreak requires balance of hope, realism
March 27, 2020
Rob Moorman, the Frank S. Holt Professor of Business Leadership in Elon's Love School of Business, offered some insights into an approach to leadership as we face the challenges from the COVID-19 outbreak.