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Techtronica Fall Concert – Nov. 3
October 12, 2016
Techtronica Fall Concert will be at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov.3 at The TapHouse.
Elon Basketball Band accepting new members
October 3, 2016
The Elon Basketball Band (EBB) is currently looking for new members who play a wind instrument, drum set, or electric bass.
Arts journal offers glowing review of Julie Celona-VanGorden recital
September 30, 2016
The Sept. 23 recital featured Celona-VanGorden, a soprano and adjunct assistant professor of music, accompanied by pianist Christy Wisuthseriwong.
Former university organist, music instructor passes away
September 28, 2016
Robert Burns King served as an adjunct instructor of music at Elon from 1981 through 2007 and performed as the university's organist during that period.
Elon faculty member performs, teaches masterclasses at the University of Alabama-Birmingham
September 26, 2016
Polly Butler Cornelius, senior lecturer of music, was a guest clinician at the University of Alabama-Birmingham this past weekend.
Elon professor named president-elect of N.C. Music Teachers Association
September 23, 2016
Victoria Fischer Faw, professor of music at Elon, has been named president-elect of the N.C. Music Teachers Association.
Elon faculty contribute to Teagle-funded grant for improving teaching in the humanities
September 19, 2016
As part of the “Collaborative Humanities Redesign Project” (CHRP), a three-year interdisciplinary, cross-campus initiative funded by Teagle Foundation, faculty from Elon, Park and Rockhurst universities and the University of Kansas came together for the third time this September to collaborate on instructional design with the goal to enhance teaching in the humanities.
Elon music professor served as lecturer at Austrian institute this summer
September 19, 2016
Gerald Knight was a guest lecturer at the Salzburg Institute for Religion, Culture, and the Arts in Salzburg, Austria.
Hallie Hogan and Dan Callaway vocal recital
September 11, 2016
Two Music Department faculty members, Hallie Hogan and Dan Callaway, will be performing a recital in Whitley Auditorium on Sept. 15 at 7:30 p.m.
Cory Schantz Vocal Recital
September 11, 2016
Guest artist and baritone Cory Schantz will be holding a vocal recital in Whitley Auditorium on Sept. 27 at 7:30 p.m.