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Clay Stevenson offers insight into technology-based music ensembles at APME conference
June 17, 2015
The lecturer in music preseted on June 12 at the annual Association for Popular Music Education Conference at the University of Miami in Florida.
Thomas Erdmann has article published
May 27, 2015
The professor of music had an article published in the professional trumpet journal.
Elon Music Ambassadors return from successful performance tour
May 22, 2015
Elon Music Ambassadors performed "Beyond the Sky" on tour in Maryland to enthusiastic high school audiences.
Stephen A. Futrell delivers Commencement address
May 22, 2015
The associate professor of music spoke to graduates of River Mill Academy in Graham, North Carolina.
Thomas Erdmann has two articles published
May 4, 2015
The professor of music had two articles published in a professional saxophone journal.