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Elon Electric Ensemble presents: The Music of Led Zeppelin – May 9
March 4, 2015
7:30 p.m. in McCrary Theatre | No tickets required.
Thomas Erdmann has two articles published
March 3, 2015
Professor of Music Thomas Erdmann had two articles published and featured on the front cover of a professional saxophone journal.
Thomas Erdmann has article published
March 2, 2015
Professor of Music Thomas Erdmann had an article published in a professional trumpet journal.
Nicole Payne, senior piano recital – March 12
February 28, 2015
Senior Nicole Payne will perform at her senior piano recital on Thursday, March 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Whitley Auditorium.
Que Viva El Ritmo – April 24
February 28, 2015
Senior, Nicole Payne, performs Lumen concert on Friday, April 24th at 7:30 pm in Yeager Recital Hall.
Elon's Lowell Oakley teams up with Pharrell Williams on premiere of NBC's "The Voice"
February 24, 2015
The Elon freshman moves on to the next round of competition on the hit prime time series that showcases outstanding vocalists. Season eight of "The Voice" began Feb. 23.
Josh Carswell '11 returns to Elon with The Annie Moses Band – Feb. 24
February 18, 2015
Tickets are now available at the Center for the Arts Box Office for a Tuesday evening performance of "Rhapsody in Bluegrass."
Lianna Mills senior flute recital
February 16, 2015
Senior Lianna Mills performs flute recital on Wednesday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in Elon Community Church's sanctuary.
Thomas Erdmann has an article published
February 7, 2015
Professor of Music Thomas Erdmann had an article published in a professional women's arts journal.