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Budget bill contains new public records exemptions

August 4, 2014

The General Assembly passed a budget over the weekend that contains new public records law exemptions for schematic diagrams of school buildings, and scholarship applications to the State Education Assistance Authority. The budget bill is now on the desk of Governor Pat McCrory.

Charter school company again delays in responding to records request

July 29, 2014

Star-News: Several media outlets began requesting records related to Charter Day School Inc. in May. Some records were turned over. For others, the school said it would respond by Monday. Now it says it will be two more weeks pending a change in state law. 

BRAC secrecy bill heads to governor's desk

July 17, 2014

Fayetteville Observer: A bill making state government records related to military base realignment a secret unamimously passed the General Assembly Wednesday and is headed to Gov. McCrory. The information will become public after federal officials announce realignment decisions.