Page 22 of 76 Bill seeks open government rule violation as crime

March 12, 2013

From (3/12/13): A lawmaker's effort to make it a criminal misdemeanor for an official to violate North Carolina's public records and open meetings laws faces an uphill climb in the state Senate after committee members and local government lobbyists objected.

USA Today: Your right to know vs. colleges

March 12, 2013

From USA Today (3/10/13): When asked to name an event occurring in March, many would identify St. Patrick's Day. Sports fans might default to March Madness. A small cadre of die-hards with a fanatical dedication to open government will answer Sunshine Week, which starts Sunday. All three answers are correct, even though it might not be immediately clear how they're connected.

Burlington Times-News: Open government is the best government

March 12, 2013

From the Burlington Times-News (3/8/13): It’s Sunshine Week. That’s an expression that usually doesn’t register with people caught up in the basic tasks of going to work, getting kids to school and running the dozens of errands that have to be accomplished in a given week.