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Gaston Gazette: Board acted legally

November 18, 2011

From the Gaston Gazette (11/17/11): CaroMont Health says it did not break state law in naming a new president and CEO this week because Monday's vote was not the last step in the process.

Daily Reflector: Open government only system

November 3, 2011

From the Greenville Daily Reflector (11/3/11): A system that operates in full view of the public it serves should be considered the only acceptable form of government. Anything less — officials who operate in secrecy behind closed doors or who try to keep information out of citizens' hands — violates North Carolina law, but also compromises a relationship that depends entirely on the consent of the governed.

Charlotte Observer: Media request access to UNC’s NCAA hearing

October 31, 2011

From the Charlotte Observer (10/26/11): The Charlotte Observer, The (Raleigh) News and Observer and six other N.C. media organizations have requested the University of North Carolina to formally demand that the NCAA make public Friday's hearing on nine alleged major violations committed by the UNC football program.

Charlotte Observer: UNC shares papers related to NCAA probe

September 21, 2011

From the Charlotte Observer (9/21/11): Documents released to the public Tuesday in connection with the NCAA's investigation of the University of North Carolina shed light on some of the impermissible benefits received by football players at the school.