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Wilmington StarNews: Residents need better control over HOAs

November 18, 2010

From the Wilmington StarNews (11/17/10): Do you live in a planned community? Most housing/condominium developments in North Carolina are and will be planned communities. Within these communities the most powerful organization is the homeowners association.

Charlotte Observer: Another blow to secretive government

November 18, 2010

From the Charlotte Observer (11/12/10): Three cheers for Grayson Kelley and JB Kelly, who appear to have both common sense and the ability to accurately interpret law. Their work should go a long way toward letting taxpayers know what their governments are doing.

Charlotte Observer: State slows access to records

November 11, 2010

From the Charlotte Observer (11/11/10): During his decades in the General Assembly and at the Department of Justice, Attorney General Roy Cooper has spoken as a champion of open government.

Charlotte Observer: UNC should not hide records subject to law

November 1, 2010

From the Charlotte Observer (11/1/10): Two Latin words form the motto of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Lux Libertas - light and liberty. They are appropriate words for a university dedicated to learning. Yet UNC leaders believe that their obligations to student privacy under state and federal law do not give them the liberty to provide as much light about an ongoing football investigation as the state's news media do.