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AEJMC: Obama’s Promised “Change” Lacks Transparency

June 8, 2010

From the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: In late May, President Barack Obama took the podium in front of the White House press corps in his first full, open-ended news conference in 10 months, a gap that exceeds the record set by his predecessor.

Lexington Dispatch: Citizens have rights to view public records

May 26, 2010

From the Lexington Dispatch (5/26/10): Public records laws guarantee citizens the rights to certain government documents. From time to time, individuals or organizations will test the accessibility to those documents, and far too often they find roadblocks erected by government employees.

Raleigh News and Observer: Wake school board lawsuit dismissed

May 25, 2010

From the Raleigh News and Observer (5/14/10): A Superior Court judge rejected today arguments that the Wake County school board violated the state's Open Public Meetings Law by not moving recent meetings to accommodate large crowds opposed to changing the diversity policy.

Burlington Times-News: Secrecy not the goal of land deal measure

May 25, 2010

From the Burlington Times-News (5/21/10): A local bill submitted to the General Assembly wasn't meant to make real-estate deals secret or skirt public records laws -- and it mimics a rule already in effect in another North Carolina city -- Burlington leaders said this week.

Cary News: School debate spreads west

May 23, 2010

From the Cary News (5/23/10): Fervor over the Wake County school board - and whether its members violated the state's Open Meetings Law by not moving recent meetings to accommodate large crowds - have spread to Morrisville.

Raleigh News and Observer: Easley aide: Shred letter

May 22, 2010

From the Raleigh News and Observer (5/21/10): A top state public information officer says that he was directed by close staff of former Gov. Mike Easley to shred a letter that had been sent in 2007 to Easley from the mayor of Southport.