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Article by David Noer published in Leader to Leader journal

March 31, 2010

David Noer, a professor emeritus in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, had an article headlined "Six Crucial Leadership Competencies for an Era of Downsizing" published in the spring edition of Leader to Leader.

Charlotte Observer publishes viewpoint column by Mat Gendle

March 30, 2010

The Charlotte Observer on March 25 published a viewpoint opinion column by Mat Gendle, an associate professor of psychology, who used his research on campus to warn readers of North Carolina's largest newspaper that tanning beds may, in fact, be addictive.

Elon Poll: North Carolinians favor healthcare reform

March 19, 2010

With decision time nearing on healthcare legislation in Congress, North Carolinians continue to believe that the nation's healthcare system is in need of reform, according to the latest Elon University Poll.

Elon Law debate on judicial selection featured in NC State Bar Journal

March 3, 2010

Articles by three Elon Law faculty members, exploring the question of whether judges in North Carolina should be elected or appointed, are featured in the Spring 2010 edition of The North Carolina State Bar Journal, along with a review of a public debate on the subject held at the law school in October.

University Relations wins four CASE Awards

March 3, 2010

The Office of University Relations received four awards in the 2009 competition sponsored by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District III. The annual competition recognizes outstanding achievement in concept and execution of programs for institutional advancement.

Elon University earns fourth consecutive presidential honor roll for service

February 25, 2010

Elon University has been recognized for the fourth year in a row as a national leader in service-learning and civic engagement. The Corporation for National & Community Service named the university this week to the 2009 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll With Distinction for exemplary service efforts to America's communities.

Imagining the Internet survey asks: Is Google making us stupid?

February 24, 2010

Most experts surveyed in a new Elon University/Pew Internet study say the Internet enhances and augments human intelligence. The survey of nearly 900 Internet stakeholders reveals fascinating new perspectives on the way the Internet is affecting human intelligence and the ways that information is being shared and rendered.