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Musical Theater Freshmen Showcase – April 10
March 25, 2009
Elon alum scores big with “One Tree Hill”
March 19, 2009
The popularity of what started as a minor character has led to the first instance of an Elon graduate starring in a full-time, major role on a nationally recognized television show. If you’re a fan of the television show “One Tree Hill,” then you’ve seen Lisa Goldstein ’03.
Lynne Formato presents at Music Theatre Educators Alliance International Conference
February 4, 2009
Lynne Kurdziel Formato, assistant professor of performing arts, presented a session on "Teaching Musical Theatre in Moscow" at the Music Theatre Educators Alliance International Conference held Jan. 8-11, 2009, at Shenandoah University in Virginia.
“Emerging Futures” forum inspires artistic discussion
January 23, 2009
What themes do spiritual dances, graphic designs and a quilted children’s story share? And how will art make a difference in an age of rapid, global change? Those questions were among the topics discussed Jan. 23 in one of a series of forums held as part of the Winter Term 2009 theme “Emerging Futures: Foresight for Global Good.”
Kevin Otos performs in episode of One Tree Hill
January 21, 2009
Kevin Otos, an assistant professor of performing arts, appeared Jan. 21
on the episodic nighttime drama One Tree Hill.
Black Box Festival – April 28-May 2
December 30, 2008
Grand Night XVII in Yeager Recital Hall – April 3-4
December 30, 2008
The Russian National Ballet Theatre performs Cinderella – March 5
December 30, 2008
Opening reception for “A Journey of Friends” – Feb. 23
December 30, 2008
Musical performance Nine showing in McCrary Theatre – Feb. 12-15
December 30, 2008