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Spinoza defeats Descartes in philosophy department debate

April 28, 2009

Elon philosophy faculty members held a raucous debate called “Philosophical Survivor” as part of the Celebration of Faculty Scholarship sessions on April 28. Eight professors took on the roles of some of history’s greatest philosophers, answering fundamental questions in seven rounds of questioning. Students in the audience voted in each round to eliminate professors, similar to the format of the TV reality show, “Survivor.”

Anthony Weston explores eco-philosophy in new book

April 9, 2009

The solace Anthony Weston found over the years spending time outdoors provided the philosophy professor with inspiration for his latest book, The Incompleat Eco-Philosopher, a collection of essays that examine the ethics behind environmental action.

Sullivan publishes article on Spring’s Stirrings

April 1, 2009

John G. Sullivan, Powell Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, has published an article titled “Spring’s Stirrings: The Art of Being a Beginner,” in the spring 2009 issue of Itineraries, the electronic journal of the North Carolina non-profit organization, Second Journey.

John Sullivan publishes article on Winter’s Gifts

February 2, 2009

John G. Sullivan, Powell Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, has published an article titled “Winter’s Gifts,” in the Winter 2009 issue of "Itineraries," the electronic journal of the North Carolina non-profit organization, Second Journey.

Sullivan contributes chapter to anthology

December 18, 2008

John G. Sullivan, Powell Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, has contributed an essay “Contemplative Practice in Cross-Cultural Times”, as chapter 5, in the collection Revisiting Mysticism, eds. Chandana Chakrabarti and Gordon Haist.