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Interdisciplinary team of Elon faculty and students publishes research on magnetic microspheres for biomedical applications
March 11, 2016
Associate professors Ben Evans (Physics) and Tonya Train (Biology) published alongside Julia Ronecker '13 (Biochemistry), David Han '18 (Engineering), Daniel Glass '10 (Engineering), and Alison Deatsch '13 (Physics) in Materials Science and Engineering: C.
Elon Physics Club Gains National Recognition
March 1, 2016
Elon’s Society of Physics Students recently received recognition as a distinguished chapter by the national SPS organization
Michelle Snyder '06 presents work during the McMichael Colloquium Series
February 29, 2016
The 2006 physics and math alumna discusses her work at the Institute for the Environment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Keeping coffee hotter longer
January 26, 2016
Elon University senior Madison Tamblyn captured the attention of angel investors when a new invention she created on campus won first place in January’s San Francisco ElevatorPitch entrepreneurship event.
Ben Evans awarded Biotechnology Grant
January 19, 2016
Associate Professor Ben Evans has received funding from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center for equipment which will facilitate his research in magnetic hyperthermia therapeutics.
Professor, students present astronomy research at national conference
January 8, 2016
The research of Elon University Department of Physics students and faculty was presented at the 227th American Astronomical Society meeting in Kissimmee, Florida, January 4-8.
Mapping the universe through computer modeling
December 7, 2015
Elon senior Helen Meskhidze, a recent finalist for the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship, is using the university’s top prize for undergraduate research and creative achievement to help astrophysicists study galaxies that create stars at rates far greater than average.
Pranab Das presents paper at University of London
December 3, 2015
Professor Pranab Das presented the talk "Active Matter, Emergence and the Stuff of Life" at University College London on Nov. 27, 2015.
Society of Physics Students – Annual Egg Drop Competition
December 3, 2015
The annual egg drop competition hosted by the Elon Society of Physics Students (SPS) attracted over 30 students to compete for a $50 Amazon gift card
Elon students present at biomedical engineering conference
October 24, 2015
A group of students from Elon’s Engineering Club and Engineering World Health traveled Oct. 23 to the Southeast Regional Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society in Raleigh, North Carolina.