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Physics major receives national scholarship
April 17, 2015
Elon University junior Helen Meskhidze received a scholarship through the national Society of Physics Students.
Renowned scientist encourages Elon audience to seek objective truths
April 7, 2015
Astrophysicist and author Neil deGrasse Tyson headlined Spring Convocation on April 2, 2015, with a passionate defense of science, an analysis of what drives people to accomplish great feats, and advice to students for being lifelong learners.
Neil deGrasse Tyson weaves humor with wisdom in Q&A
April 2, 2015
The famed astrophysicist took questions from Elon University students on Thursday in a Whitley Auditorium program where he advised his audience not to “ever shortchange your curiosity for the promise of money” as they pursue their life passions.
Society of Physics Students Hosts Space Week – March 30-April 3
March 30, 2015
In honor of Neil deGrasse Tyson's visit for Spring Convocation, Elon's Society of Physics Students will be hosting Space Week from March 30-April 3, 2015.
Students and faculty participate in physics conference
March 30, 2015
Elon Lumen Scholar Helen Meskhidze '16 and Associate Professor Anthony Crider each presented at a regional meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers at Wake Forest University from March 27-28.
Noyce Program accepting applications for paid summer STEM internships
March 29, 2015
The Elon Noyce Scholars Program is accepting applications for summer education internships from current first-year students and sophomores who are interested in STEM fields.
Research team including John Tumbleston '06 receives national media attention
March 18, 2015
Former physics and science education major John Tumbleston ’06 is part of a team whose work on a highly innovative new process for rapid 3D printing was published in Science.
Chris Richardson and student speak at astronomy event
March 13, 2015
Chris Richardson, assistant professor of physics, and Maria Temming ’16, Elon Honors Fellow, each described their research during the annual Triad Starfest, a meeting of professional and amateur astronomers at Guilford Technical Community College.
Tony Crider and student lead workshop at Elizabeth City State University
March 8, 2015
Associate Professor of Physics Tony Crider and Elon political science major Declan Cleary ’15 led a one-day "Reacting to the Past" campus workshop held March 7 at Elizabeth City State University.
Noyce Program accepting applications for $43,000+ scholarships & paid summer internships
February 27, 2015
The Elon Noyce Scholars Program is accepting scholarship applications from current sophomores who are interested in becoming K-12 science or math teachers, and current first years who are interested in STEM fields.