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Global Perspective: Pranab Das at center of discussion about science and spirituality
April 21, 2009
Elon physics professor Pranab Das oversees more than $6 million of grant funds supporting scholarship around the world. As the leader of three major initiatives funded by the John Templeton Foundation, Das is probing the limits of human understanding on questions that have existed for millennia.
NPR’s “Marketplace” features research by Benjamin Evans
March 13, 2009
A March 12 story on NPR's "Marketplace" program featured research into biomimetic cilia by Benjamin Evans, an assistant professor of physics who started his work as a graduate student at UNC Chapel Hill.
Society of Physics Students honors Elon chapter
March 4, 2009
Elon University's chapter of the Society of Physics Students has been selected as an Outstanding SPS Chapter for the 2007-2008 school year.
Students compete in annual Popsicle bridge contest
November 14, 2008
Thirty-three teams took part this week in the “2008 Physics Bridge
Challenge,” an annual Popsicle stick bridge-building competition hosted
by the Society of Physics Students, with the winning entry holding more
than 11 kilograms of sand.
Physics Club raises money and donations for food bank
November 11, 2008
A “Pumpkin Toss” charity event sponsored by the Physics Club earlier
this month raised $59 and 52 nonperishable goods for Loaves &
Fishes Christian Food Ministry in Burlington.
Crider on AAAS New Media Panel
May 28, 2008
Senior Physics Major Wins Research Award
April 11, 2008