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Elon president: “Dream boldly and with confidence”

August 27, 2008

Elon University President Leo M. Lambert welcomed employees to the new academic year on Aug. 25, 2008, with a speech that lauded past accomplishments while encouraging faculty and staff to "think beyond the walls of the campus" as leaders begin work on a new strategic plan for the school.

Young, Sullivan & Rich receive Elon Medallions

August 25, 2008

President emeritus J. Fred Young, retired professor John G. Sullivan and retired associate dean Lela Faye Coltrain Rich received Elon Medallions on Aug. 25, 2008, in an annual ceremony that celebrates the highest honor a person can receive from the university.

Elon leaders share plans for 2008-09

August 19, 2008

President Leo M. Lambert and senior staff members previewed the upcoming academic year on Aug. 14 for university employees who filled Whitley Auditorium for the annual briefing. Senior staff provided a summary of recent work and initiatives planned for the next year.

President’s Office hosts free concert TONIGHT

July 28, 2008

The Eastern Music Festival marks this month its 10th anniversary of concerts on Elon University's campus. The President's Office is hosting a free symphony concert for the community on Monday, July 28, at 7:30 p.m. on the lawn Under the Oaks.

Elon trustees elect new board members, life trustees

April 14, 2008

The Elon University board of trustees has elected Wallace L. Chandler and Dr. James B. Powell as life trustees, in tribute to their years of service to the university. The board has also elected two trustees emeritus and five new members. Details...

President Lambert announces new staff assignments

April 1, 2008

Sara Paden Peterson has been named director of stewardship in the Office of Institutional Advancement, and Lisa A. Purtz has been named senior assistant to the president and secretary to the board of trustees. Details...