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Holi – Hindu

December 5, 2012

This springtime festival of colors includes music, dancing, laughter and teasing. It is a fun-filled, joyous celebration.

Pesach (Passover) – Jewish

December 5, 2012

Pesach, which means to pass through, commemorates the Exodus from Egypt and the Holy One passing over the Jewish homes when the first-born Egyptians were slain.

Naw Ruz (New Year) – Baha’i

December 5, 2012

The New Year celebrates the love relationship between the Creator and the creation, in the material world.

Purim – Jewish

December 5, 2012

This merry holiday celebrates a time when Jewish people in Persia were saved from destruction.

Nirvana Day – Buddhist – Jain

December 5, 2012

Festival commemorating Buddha’s death at 80 when he attained Nirvana – the state at which all desires and afflictions are gone, and the cycle of death and rebirth ends.

Ash Wednesday – Lent begins – Christian

December 5, 2012

In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the season of Lent, 40 days of preparation for Easter. Many Christians observe a period of fasting, repentance, moderation, and spiritual discipline.