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Professor conjures Satan to critique society in ‘Devil’s Ink’

April 6, 2011

What would Satan say about nuclear weapons? Or politicians and their mistresses? Or Disney World? And would he say it in a … blog? Such is the premise of Devil's Ink: Blog from the Basement Office by Elon University professor Jeffrey C. Pugh, who uses Lucifer’s point of view in a new book critiquing cultural institutions that readers may assume are necessary without considering the evil they can create.

Rebecca Todd Peters presents paper at leadership colloquium

January 28, 2011

Rebecca Todd Peters, professor of religious studies, presented a paper titled “Examining the Value of Solidarity as a Moral Foundation for Poverty Alleviation” at the fifth-annual Jepson Colloquium in Richmond, Va. The colloquium was sponsored by the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond and this year’s theme of “Leadership and Global Justice” was designed as an interdisciplinary discussion examining the philosophical, moral, economic, environmental and political dimensions of justice beyond national borders with attention to organized efforts to move toward such a reality.

Pamela Winfield serves as panelist at AAR Annual Conference

December 15, 2010

Pamela Winfield, assistant professor of religious studies, served as a respondent to a panel on "Virtual Asian Sacred Space: Hidden Lands, Ritual Practices and Soteriological Technologies" at the American Academy of Religion (AAR) Annual Conference in Atlanta on Nov. 1.