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Pamela Winfield serves as panelist at AAR Annual Conference

December 15, 2010

Pamela Winfield, assistant professor of religious studies, served as a respondent to a panel on "Virtual Asian Sacred Space: Hidden Lands, Ritual Practices and Soteriological Technologies" at the American Academy of Religion (AAR) Annual Conference in Atlanta on Nov. 1.

Amy Allocco Appointed to AAR International Connections Committee

December 2, 2010

Amy Allocco, an assistant professor of religious studies, has been appointed to serve on the International Connections Committee of the American Academy of Religion. Her appointment to this six-member committee, made by AAR President Ann Taves of the University of California Santa Barbara, will be for a four-year term.

Panelists host conversation on Musharraf visit to Elon

October 8, 2010

It was an oft-repeated word on Thursday: “complex.” For three professors and two students taking part in a community conversation focused on the upcoming visit to Elon University of former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, there was no other way to describe the man’s history, or what it means for the university that he’ll be on campus as the keynote speaker at Fall Convocation.

Amy Allocco, Pamela Winfield named co-chairs of regional AAR / SECSOR Conference Group

September 1, 2010

New Religious Studies faculty member Amy Allocco joins her departmental colleague, Pamela Winfield, in a major professional leadership role as co-chairs of the Religions of Asia section of the annual regional conference co-sponsored by the American Academy of Religion and the Southeastern Conference for the Study of Religion.