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Liora Wittle ’22 publishes article on LGBTQ Jewish women
May 17, 2022
Wittle's article was published in a refereed, national journal dedicated to the publication of outstanding undergraduate scholarship
Marcus-Sells publishes new book, ‘Sorcery or Science?’
May 12, 2022
The new book by Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Ariela Marcus-Sells explores the work of West African scholars who are rarely talked about in relation to Islam.
Elon recognizes faculty and staff for excellence with annual awards
May 11, 2022
These four awards recognize members of the Elon community for excellence in teaching, scholarship, civic engagement and mentoring.
NBC News cites Toddie Peters in report on faith leaders and abortion rights
May 6, 2022
The May 5 piece by NBC News focused on faith leaders who are speaking up about abortion rights.
Geoffrey Claussen publishes book: ‘Modern Musar: Contested Virtues in Jewish Thought’
May 4, 2022
Claussen's book collects and contextualizes 250 years of diverse Jewish approaches to virtue, ethics and character
SoTL Showcase: Documenting professional competencies gained through multifaith research and engagement
April 25, 2022
Amy Allocco is researching how the Multifaith Scholars program is helping students achieve success in life after college.
Elon students present at regional religion conference
March 24, 2022
Five Elon students presented research at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Southeast Region.
Elon faculty co-author a publication on mentoring undergraduate research in global context
February 28, 2022
Seven Elon University faculty members published an article titled, "Undergraduate research in the global context: models and practices for high-quality mentoring" in the journal Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning.
Center for the Study of Religion, Culture & Society marks 10 years of creating connections
February 23, 2022
Faculty gathered Monday night to reflect on the center's origins and successes in creating space for interdisciplinary study involving religion.
Phoebe Mock ’21, Molly Morrison ’22 present research at conference on queer and transgender studies in religion
February 17, 2022
The annual Conference on Queer and Transgender Studies in Religion will be held at University of California, Riverside on Feb. 18 through Feb. 20.