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A Message from Elon Student Government Association Regarding Recent National, Global Events

July 21, 2016

In recent months and even more recent weeks, our country and world have been faced with adversity. Recent happenings are truly tragic. When faced which such tragedy, there are two choices: to keep moving forward, or to succumb to the hostility that contradicts our country’s and our university’s core values. As the home of the Phoenix, we will continue to work with Elon students, faculty and staff to promote inclusivity and positive growth on campus. 

Options for students to get involved

July 20, 2016

Elon students are encouraged to explore opportunities outside of the classroom to supplement their learning and development inside the classroom.


Election Night Watch Event – Tuesday

June 24, 2016

Elon students, faculty and staff are invited to gather in the the Global Commons Great Hall at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 8, to watch coverage of the 2016 election.