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'Don’t Trash It!' donation campaign runs May 14-25

May 11, 2014

Own a couch or desk or clothes you can't seem to sell on E-net? Instead of tossing them into the nearest Dumpsters this spring when heading away from campus, consider donating usable items to local charities that assist the needy of Alamance County.

SUB SWAG on April 30

April 23, 2014

The event takes place in Speakers Corner by Moseley Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Lavender Graduation and Awards Dinner – May 5

April 14, 2014

This annual event is a year-end celebration for all LGBTQI and ally students, faculty and staff. Graduating seniors will be honored during the dinner, and achievements in LGBTQIA inclusion at Elon will be recognized.