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BNY Mellon Manager to Talk About Banking Career Paths

November 8, 2010

Peter Keaveney, a manager at BNY Mellon Asset Servicing, will be talking to students about careers in the banking industry and will discuss his own career path in a presentation on Thursday, November 11, KOBC Room 353 at 4:15 pm.

Career Moves: Initiative leads sophomore to museum internship

October 28, 2010

Sam Coury discovered a love for P.T. Barnum, the famous 19th century American showman, when she researched his life for a high school paper. Until last fall, the current Elon University sophomore figured an internship with The Barnum Museum in Connecticut was nothing more than “fantasy.” Then she visited Career Services.

Betty Morgan and Eric Fink present workshop on legal issues in internships

October 12, 2010

Betty Morgan, an associate professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration and director of the Elon Center for Public Affairs, and Eric Fink, Jennings Professor of Law and Emerging Scholar at the Elon University School of Law, presented a pre-conference workshop on Legal Issues in Internships and Experiential Learning for the National Society of Experiential Education in early October.

Career Moves: Networking, interview advice lead to internship

October 1, 2010

Adam Price wanted to see for himself the daily routine of a software programmer, and when an opportunity arose last spring to intern with a North Carolina firm that coordinates the shipment and storage of goods for corporate clients like Boeing and Sony, the Elon junior moved quickly. His first stop? The Elon Career Center.