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ANAC session focuses on student voices
June 15, 2007
A group of members from the Associated American New Colleges (ANAC) gathered to learn about the ways that Elon faculty are integrating students into the scholarship of teaching and learning. Details...
ANAC schools encouraged to share knowledge on effective teaching, learning
June 14, 2007
Randy Bass, noted authority on new approaches to teaching and learning, is encouraging ANAC member schools to create a "Teaching Commons" to share their work on the scholarship of teaching. Details…
ANAC members make global citizenship an institutional priority
June 14, 2007
Faculty, staff and administrators attending the Associated New American Colleges (ANAC) Summer Institute at Elon spent time discussing ways of making internationalization an institutional priority. Details...
Elon team discusses Fellows program with ANAC group
June 14, 2007
Leaders of the Elon College Fellows program say they are helping students learn how to ask good questions. The program was featured in a session of the ANAC Summer Institute. Details…
Interdisciplinary programs growing at ANAC schools
June 14, 2007
ANAC institutions are promising laboratories for interdisciplinary teaching and learning, according to administrators from four colleges and universities. They met on campus June 14 as part of the ANAC Summer Institute. Details...
Integrating liberal arts and professional schools topic of ANAC forum
June 14, 2007
Faculty and administrators attending the annual Associated New American Colleges (ANAC) Summer Institute at Elon talked about resolving tensions that are perceived between liberal arts schools and professional schools. Details...
ANAC conferees discuss service-learning
June 14, 2007
Faculty and administrators attending the Associated New American
Colleges (ANAC) Summer Institute shared stories of innovation in
service learning on June 13. Details...
Higher Ed newsletter examines E²
June 14, 2007
Summer construction project uncovers a piece of Elon history
June 13, 2007
Workers installing a new elevator on the first floor of Alamance Building have uncovered bricks that are believed to be part of Elon’s original Main Building, which was destroyed by a historic fire in 1923. Details...
E² featured on CollegeWebEditor site
June 12, 2007, a Web site dedicated to public relations in higher education, features the new Elon Town Square social network in its June 11 posting. Click here to read the story...