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Elon campus response to Virginia Tech tragedy

April 17, 2007

The Elon University community is reaching out to the Virginia Tech community, as well as reviewing campus emergency procedures in the wake of the April 16 shootings. Details…

Tribute to Michael Foreman by Anne Cassebaum

April 16, 2007

A funeral service for Elon sophomore James Michael Foreman, who died on April 11, was held in Raleigh on Sunday, April 15. Fifteen people paid tribute to Foreman, including Elon faculty member Anne Cassebaum. Read this note to access her remarks...

Elon adopts compact fluorescent bulbs

March 5, 2007

As part of its efforts to “go green,” Elon University is replacing incandescent light bulbs with more energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs in buildings across campus. Details...