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Croatian LGBT film – Feb. 11

January 28, 2014

Croatian film critic, prominent LGBT activist and media personality will host a screening and discussion of the first Croatian LGBT film, 'Fine Dead Girls.'

Feb. 10: LGBT Politics and Activism in Croatia and the U.S. 

January 28, 2014


MIMA SIMIĆ: Croatian writer, film critic, activist, media personality, and Croatian LGBT person of the decade.  Mima will talk on "LGBT Politics and Activist Strategies of Media Subversion,” discussing how she and other activists and organizations have used strategies of media subversion to affect public and social attitudes on homosexuality and gender in Croatia. Katherine McFarland Bruce, Elon visiting assistant professor of sociology, will join Mima and compare and discuss LGBT activism in the United States, specifically the South. 


Amy Allocco earns New Scholar Award

November 27, 2013

Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Distinguished Emerging Scholar Amy Allocco was recognized as the second-place winner of the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion’s Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza New Scholar Award.