Do you speak German? Join us at Oak House, March 20 at 4 p.m. Wir laden Sie herzlich zum Kaffeeklatsch ein. Alle deutschsprechenden Studenten/Faculty/Staff sind willkommen.

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Kaffeeklatsch at the Oak House, March 20

February 14, 2019

Do you speak German? Join us at Oak House, March 20 at 4 p.m. Wir laden Sie herzlich zum Kaffeeklatsch ein. Alle deutschsprechenden Studenten/Faculty/Staff sind willkommen.

Kaffeeklatsch at the Oak House, May 1

February 14, 2019

Do you speak German? Join us at Oak House, May 1 at 4 p.m. Wir laden Sie herzlich zum Kaffeeklatsch ein. Alle deutschsprechenden Studenten/Faculty/Staff sind willkommen.

Kesgin publishes paper on when leaders make uncharacteristic foreign policy choices

February 8, 2019

Assistant Professor of Political Science Baris Kesgin’s recent research is based on the premise that when leaders depart from their long-held, publicly known policy positions, one possible explanation is changes in their personality. Kesgin puts this assumption to test in the case of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in August 2005.

Chocolate Tasting + Meet the German Club

February 6, 2019

Join us in Carlton Commons for a tasting of fine German chocolate. Get to know the German Club and other German learners and speakers at Elon.