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Winter 2013: Homecoming through your eyes
February 11, 2013
During Homecoming 2012, we asked students and alumni to submit photos via Instagram. Here is a sample of the photos we received throughout that weekend.
Share what you love about Elon
February 11, 2013
In honor of Elon's quasquicentennial, we are compiling a list of 125 things we love most about Elon.
Winter 2013: Charlotte major on solving today’s political challenges
February 11, 2013
Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx said bipartisanship and public-private collaboration are key to solving local and national challenges during the Elon Law's fall 2012 Bryan Leadership Lecture on Nov. 13.
Winter 2013: Maureen Dowd on presidential candidates
February 8, 2013
Pulitzer Prize-winner Maureen Dowd shared insights into the men who campaign for the highest office in the land during a Nov. 7 lecture.
Fall 2012: Maya Angelou dazzles at Fall Convocation
December 21, 2012
The world renowned poet, author, playwright and educator shared her wit and wisdom during Elon's 2012 Fall Convocation.
2012: Fury of the gods or pure imagination?
December 20, 2012
Elon faculty members explore facts and fiction of the Maya prophecy regarding the world ending on Dec. 21.
Fall 2012: Get to know Elon's botanical garden
November 9, 2012
Elon’s botanical garden is much more than rows of pretty plants in a flower bed.
Fall 2012: ‘I Am Elon’ with Brian Delgado ’15
November 7, 2012
Learn about Brian Delgado's Elon experience in this installment of "I Am Elon," a multimedia series featuring Elon students in their own words.
Fall 2012: Campus debate recap
November 5, 2012
Four teams took turns Oct. 25 defending positions on economic growth, health care and same-sex marriage while dismantling opponents’ views.
Fall 2012: A passion to serve
November 2, 2012
Through their work with faith-based Freedom Campaign/Do Something Now, Bryson and Emily Vogeltanz are engaging college students and young adults in global service.