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Elon Academy receives major gift from Lyon family

April 27, 2010

Elon trustee Frank R. Lyon ’71 and his wife, Natalie Lyon, of New Canaan, Conn., longtime supporters of the Elon Academy, have made a major gift for the creation of an endowed scholarship that will aid graduates of the college enrichment program for high school students in Alamance County.

Robertson gift to fund Alumni Gym renovation

April 26, 2010

A major gift by Elon trustee Jeanne Robertson and her husband Jerry will provide lead funding for a renovation project for Alumni Gym in Koury Center. The project will upgrade Elon's home for basketball and volleyball, convocations and other large campus events.

Elon Poll: State residents support drilling off N.C. coast

April 26, 2010

Nearly two out of three state residents support drilling for oil and gas off the North Carolina coast, according to the latest Elon University Poll, and three quarters of citizens would support the increase of federal funds for research on wind, solar and hydrogen technology.

Distinguished scholar lecture explores communication and new media

April 20, 2010

Global leaders use stories to explain their successes and failures, but in an age of social media and cell phones, that’s no longer easy to do. For Laura Roselle, who shared her work Monday in Elon University’s annual Distinguished Scholar Award Lecture, understanding this change is crucial for researchers who study how and why political messages help people make sense of their world.

Laura Roselle to deliver Distinguished Scholar Award Lecture – April 19

April 20, 2010

Laura Roselle, one of Elon University’s most prolific scholars, will discuss the effects of a new media environment in the 21st century on Monday night during the annual Distinguished Scholar Award Lecture, which each year showcases the work of a faculty researcher whose work has made a lasting impact to her field of study.

Brooke Barnett named Faculty Administrative Fellow

April 19, 2010

President Leo M. Lambert has appointed Brooke Barnett, associate professor of communications, to a two-year term as Faculty Administrative Fellow and Assistant to the President. She will begin her duties June 1.

Mary Wise and Peter Felten receive promotions

April 19, 2010

Provost Steven D. House has promoted Mary Wise to associate vice president for academic affairs and Peter Felten to assistant provost. Both promotions are effective June 1.

Lindner Hall, Elon’s “greenest” building, dedicated on April 16

April 19, 2010

Elon University leaders dedicated Martha S. and Carl H. Lindner III Hall on April 16, 2010, in an afternoon ceremony attended by a large crowd of faculty, staff, students, administrators and members of the board of trustees on campus for their spring meeting.