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“It’s a Grand Night for Singing IX” set for March 9 & 10
March 1, 2001
Lecture to focus on environmental problem solving, March 13
February 28, 2001
Researcher to discuss stages of the aging process, March 5
February 27, 2001
Ralph Nader to speak at Elon, March 7
February 27, 2001
Elon graduates return to campus for March 6 recital
February 26, 2001
North Carolina Symphony in concert at Elon, March 4
February 23, 2001
Historian to discuss academic freedom during March 1 lecture
February 22, 2001
Leo Lambert will serve on ACE Board of Directors
February 22, 2001
Elon student selected as Truman Scholarship finalist
February 15, 2001