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“The People’s Pharmacy” hosts to visit Elon Jan. 8
December 29, 2000
Elon Poll finds North Carolinians want federal election reform
December 15, 2000
AIDS Memorial Quilt will visit Elon in April, 2001
December 14, 2000
Elon Symposium:The First 100 Days of the 21st Century Presidency
December 1, 2000
New campus sculptures honor Burlington woman
November 29, 2000
North Carolina Symphony Holiday Concert Set Dec. 9
November 29, 2000
Survey ranks Elon among most effective institutions in the nation
November 13, 2000
Parade, stadium relay highlight Homecoming weekend, Nov. 3-5
November 1, 2000
Relay to Rhodes Stadium will follow Elon football game Nov. 4
November 1, 2000
R.N. Ellington Center to house health and counseling services
October 25, 2000